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MS Daily Brief-en

The Maritime Security Forum is pleased to provide you with a product, in the form of a daily newsletter, through which we present the most relevant events and information on naval issues, especially those related to maritime security and other… Read More »MS Daily Brief-en


On June 27-29, 2024 will be held at Ovidius University of Constanta the VIIIth -ORDINARYASSIDMER CONFERENCE entitled ” THE BLACK SEA AT A LEGAL CROSSROADS: ERSPECTIVES FROM THE INTERNATIONAL LAW, EUROPEAN UNION LAW, AND NATIONAL LAW Organized by: Association Internationale… Read More »Event


BLACK SEA CHRONICLES / CMN. Geopolitical logbook at the Euxin Bridge13 th edition, 30 MAI 2024-Weekly summary prepared by the experts of the Black Sea House Association / Black Sea House- Constanta, Coordinator Dorin POPESCU BLACK SEA CHRONICLES / CMN.Geopolitical… Read More »BLACK SEA CHRONICLES


BLACK SEA CHRONICLES / CMN. Geopolitical logbook at the Euxin Bridge1 9th edition, Saturday, 6 April 2024-Weekly summary prepared by the experts of the Black Sea House Association / Black Sea House- Constanta, Coordinator Dorin POPESCU BLACK SEA CHRONICLES /… Read More »BLACK SEA CHRONICLES

MS Daily Brief-Fr

MS DAILY BRIEF – 19 OCTOBRE 2023 Le Forum de la sécurité maritime a le plaisir de vous offrir un produit, sous la forme d’une lettre d’information quotidienne, qui présente les événements et les informations les plus pertinents sur les… Read More »MS Daily Brief-Fr

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