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“SEA BLINDNESS” -Editorial Scientifically speaking, “Sea Blindness” is a meteorological phenomenon that occurs when water vapour in the sea evaporates from the sea and forms low clouds that reflect sunlight, blocking visibility of the horizon. This phenomenon can be dangerous… Read More »“SEA BLINDNESS”

Maritime Romania

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Maritime Romania- EDITORIAL For Romania, as a member of the EU and NATO, organisations with significant global interests, the importance of the maritime sector is undeniable. Maritime transport has been and will continue to be the “circulatory system” of the… Read More »Maritime Romania

Winter militarization: Can Ukraine prevent Russia from regrouping as temperatures drop?

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EDITORIAL -11 decembrie 2022 Winter militarization: Can Ukraine prevent Russia from regrouping as temperatures drop? There has been a large-scale Russian military invasion of Ukraine, involving some 130,000 troops, mainly from the 20th and 8th Armies combined. Paratroopers from the… Read More »Winter militarization: Can Ukraine prevent Russia from regrouping as temperatures drop?

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